The Journey

Hi there, I’m Katie McClammer. I am a mindfulness advocate, guide, and entrepreneur.

My clients are often looking for more balance and joy in their lives. I show up as a Wellness Guide.

I bring mindfulness, compassion, and clarity to each of my client sessions. I like to do this with my heart-centered approach and grounding techniques. We develop new “self care” routines and implement practical actions for an empowered life.

How I Got Here: 

At the age of 40, I evolved my passion + talents into my dream job. I now help others bring about micro and transformative change. 

Prior to this, I spent 20 years as a marketer in startups, nonprofits and corporate leadership.

Beyond my work, I love dancing through life with my husband, Patrick, whose energy and adventure never ceases to amaze me. We fill our days playing with our incredible boys, Gavin and Ryan, and sweet dog.

I spent my whole life training for this with personal experience in: 

  • Community service in gardens, on farms, trails and in schools

  • Career changes - executive to mom to startup to nonprofit to consultant

  • Marriage 15 years

  • Mom of two boys, 9 & 11

  • Health Coaching degree

  • Spirituality reimagined and rebuilding of community

What People Are Saying

  • Danielle

    Hiking then resting on the red rocks with Katie’s guidance helped me feel better and tune into myself.

  • Lauren

    Katie helped me integrate mindfulness practices while battling a health crisis. My life is more beautiful thanks to her support.

  • Emily

    I needed a reset more than I knew. Katie helped me get balanced and reconnect to my ‘big rocks’.

You can create a life that is true.

Let’s explore your wellness.